One of the most common diseases in men is prostatitis. In no case should you delay treatment, as the prostate fulfills important functions and its inflammation is stimulated by a dangerous infection. What are the symptoms of prostatitis in men?

Below we will tell you what signs this disease can be identified by and consider the methods of its treatment.
Signs of illness
There are usually three types of painful symptoms:
- Disorders in the genitourinary system. Accompanied by a cut in the groin area when urinating and a constant urge to use the toilet. Blood outflow is possible. Urination is done in small portions;
- Sexual dysfunction. It is accompanied by pain in the duct, rectum during ejaculation. There is also a decrease in potency, frequent emissions, loss of orgasm. There is also a decrease in erection or its complete absence;
- Disturbances in the nervous system. They are accompanied by apathy, aggression, psychological and emotional stress.
Types of diseases
Chronic prostatitis
With chronic prostatitis, symptoms are not pronounced until the time of the exacerbation. There are no symptoms during the remission phase. In attacks of illness, a high fever can rise, joints can be painful, increased sweating, insomnia, loss of appetite, apathy, fever, chills. Headaches are not excluded.
This type of disease occurs due to fungi or viruses that have invaded the lower pelvic organs. Representatives of such a fauna are E. coli, Staphylococcus, Chlamydia. It should be noted that Helicobacter is not on the list of causes - this is natural, since it does not cause prostatitis.
Of course, each of us has disease-causing microbes. However, the human body is designed in such a way that the immune system prevents them from reproducing. Therefore, if the protective function is impaired, then the man easily becomes hostage to inflammatory processes. When the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor. He will do a rectal exam, do the necessary tests, and prescribe treatment.
Bacterial prostatitis
This type of disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria. The symptoms are the same as in chronic prostatitis. It is bacterial prostatitis that most often turns into a chronic form. It is necessary to comprehensively treat such inflammation. Only the general effect of drugs, massage of the prostate and other physiotherapeutic procedures will prevent the disease from passing into the chronic stage.
Competent urologists will prescribe antibiotics. They destroy all pathogenic microorganisms. It is very important to be on time for your doctor's appointment. You cannot stop taking medication after the condition improves, as the outcome can worsen and you may suffer from this disease for many years.
Sclerotic prostatitis
Sclerotic prostatitis manifests itself in people who suffer from persistent constipation, as well as when taking certain medications. The disease is manifested by a decrease in the prostate gland and a thickening of its tissues - this type of disease is incurable.
Prostatotopic prostatitis
The causes of the prostatopotic type of the disease are not yet understood. It is accompanied by aching pains in the groin. Treatment is assigned to the patient individually.
Abacterial prostatitis
Abacterial prostatitis develops due to stagnation of seminal fluid, disorders of blood circulation. However, the most common cause is zinc deficiency. It is an important part of the male reproductive system. Zinc is responsible for the correct production of hormones, potency, and the body's reproductive function.
Such a disease is accompanied by pulling sensations in the groin, lower abdomen and perineum. Sometimes painful sensations are given to the back and tailbone. This condition can last for several months. During treatment, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs, as well as herbal remedies, are prescribed.
Asymptomatic prostatitis
The peculiarity of asymptomatic prostatitis is that the disease proceeds without symptoms. Unfortunately, the disease manifests itself at a late stage. At this point the prostate is greatly enlarged and urination is impaired. To determine the disease, the urine will be tested for bacteria and white blood cells. Such prostatitis often becomes chronic.
If you do not have an erection in the morning and there are frequent urges in the dark, this indicates the onset of the disease.
Timely treatment should not be neglected, as inflammation of the prostate can become chronic. It can also damage your bladder, making it difficult for you to go to the bathroom. Indifference to one's own health threatens sterility, abscesses, cystitis and sepsis. Some of the consequences can only be cured through a workable way.
Do not try to treat without the help of specialists. Please consult your doctor before using any method.
Is prostatitis contagious and how do you treat it?
Sex life with prostatitis is not prohibited. After all, it is their absence that brings about this disease. The presented disease is relevant only to the stronger sex. However, sperm contains elements that cause inflammation. Therefore, when such sperm enter the female reproductive system, serious problems with the woman's reproductive function can arise. It is very important to protect yourself and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Prostate massage
This method of treating prostatitis is prescribed as an accompanying therapy. In addition, massage is an excellent prevention against disease. With its help, the urologist can understand what stage the tumor is at. Massaging the prostate can help prevent sperm accumulation, which is a common cause of inflammation.
This procedure relaxes the gland, improves blood circulation and supplies the organ with oxygen. It also relieves unpleasant symptoms, unpleasant sensations, prevents the development of cancer, and normalizes urination.
Urological treatment
When you go to the clinic, you will most likely be prescribed medication or surgery. It all depends on the stage of the disease.

Take the medicine only on the advice of specialists, as some of the medicines have a number of contraindications.
If the disease does not respond to drug treatment, the patient is referred for surgery. The most common method is transurethral resection. In this procedure, the tumor is removed through the urethra. Most often this type of operation is prescribed in the middle stage of the development of the disease, in the absence of an infectious lesion. This type of intervention does not preserve sexual function.
The best solution is the minimally invasive method. This method involves making a puncture in the skin and then removing any damaged tissue in the bladder. However, its advantages include a low likelihood of injury and penetration, as well as the absence of complications. Such an operation is available at any stage of the disease.
Particular attention should be paid to diet. Try to remove fatty, heavy, spicy, and fried foods from your diet forever. Avoid using flour products, pastries, and pickles too often. Customize your menu. Eat only healthy and natural foods, including vegetables and fruits, nuts, lean meats, dried fruits, freshly squeezed juices.
Avoid alcoholic beverages, coffee, eggs, fatty meat, and mushrooms. Forget about greasy soups, hot spices and carbonated drinks.
Take a relaxing bath with herbal teas such as chamomile. It perfectly copes with inflammation, removes toxins, helps kidney and liver functions, restores metabolism. It is worth noting that physical activity is required. Light exercise, swimming in the pool, walking in the morning, and following a special diet will all help prevent prostate disease.

If you've had prostatitis before, see your urologist once a year. This is necessary to monitor your condition and prevent the disease from recurring.